What is the Cambridge Library Collection? How can I access it?

The Cambridge Library Collection project was established to produce high-quality scans of a curated collection of out-of-copyright scholarly books, mainly from the nineteenth century. The books were selected for their status as benchmarks in the development of their respective subjects, and/or as valuable source material for researchers currently working toward a better understanding of nineteenth-century intellectual, social and political life. Cambridge’s objective was to make this material available in print and online to the many individuals and institutions around the world who do not have access to the original publications. As such, the books are reproduced faithfully from the originals we scanned, without corrections, updates, or commentary.

The programme concluded its work in 2015 and is no longer producing new material, however the vast archive collection remains available. All available content is accessible to those with institutional access via our library platform Cambridge Core and also available to purchase as print-on-demand paperbacks through retail websites, including our own, Cambridge.org. We do not have any additional material related to this collection and we regret that we are unable to provide support on individual titles.

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