How can I access content as an individual?

Individual users can purchase Journal Articles and eBooks online on Cambridge Core. To purchase our content, follow the instructions below: 

  • Ensure you are logged into Cambridge Core
  • Navigate to the content you wish to purchase by searching on Cambridge Core and click on the title of the content. 
  • When you get to the home page of the content, click the get access button again, this will take you to the section where the price is displayed and finally click the add to cart button.
  • Repeat these steps to add other content to your cart.
  • Click on the Cart link in the top right-hand corner of the Cambridge Core website
  • You will be taken to your Cart where you can review the content you wish to purchase. If everything is correct, please click Continue.
  • Fill out your address details and click on: Use this Address.
    • Please note that special and accented characters should not be included.
  • Check your details on the Confirm Cart page and click Checkout.
  • You will be asked to provide payment details.
  • Once payment is successful, the content will be added to your account and an order receipt will be sent to your email address.
  • Go to the content you have purchased in Cambridge Core to access the articles or books.
  • If you have purchased an article or book on Cambridge Core, you can access the article full-text or book chapter-level PDFs by navigating directly to the article page or book page, or by using the links on your order history page. Besides, you can always search for the content using keywords from the search tool.

If you require further assistance, you can submit a diagnostics form to our Technical Support Team. 

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