How do you refine search results on Cambridge Core?
When you have your search results on-screen you can refine your searching using the Refine Search options on the left-hand side of the page.
- Only Show Content I Have Access To - This option will restrict the search results to show you only content you have access too, including free and Open Access content, belonging to you and/or your organisation.
- Only Show Open Access - This option will restrict the search results to only show content set as Open Access.
Content Type
You can refine your searches to any or all of the following content types:
- Articles
- Books
- Chapters
- Elements
- Author
Publication Date
You can refine your searches by publication date using the following options:
- Last 3 Years
- Over 3 Years
- From/To Year
Other filters
Refine search also is possible with:
- Subject
- Tags - Also known as Keywords
- Journals
- Publishers
- Societies
- Series
- Collections